Rails 3.1: Better way to expose an engine's helper within the client app Rails 3.1: Better way to expose an engine's helper within the client app ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails

Rails 3.1: Better way to expose an engine's helper within the client app

You can create an initializer to accomplish this like so:

module MyEngine  class Engine < Rails::Engine    initializer 'my_engine.action_controller' do |app|      ActiveSupport.on_load :action_controller do        helper MyEngine::ImportantHelper      end    end  endend

I have written two blog posts about creating engines from scratch, and following them everything should work as expected (without additional configurations needed). Maybe you are still interested in:

Update: It's three articles in the meantime, and there's still some info to come. Please give me feedback.

If you want to keep the code in the engine, instead of every implementing application, use this:

module MyEngine  class Engine < Rails::Engine    isolate_namespace MyEngine    config.to_prepare do      MyEngine::ApplicationController.helper Rails.application.helpers    end  endend