rails 3,Kaminari pagination for an simple Array rails 3,Kaminari pagination for an simple Array ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails

rails 3,Kaminari pagination for an simple Array

This is the only available helper method to paginate an array object using Kaminari. Another alternative is, as suggested solution in kaminari wiki page, add the instance methods to the array object.

If you are trying a common solution based on the ActiveModel return type ( .all returns array and .where returns ARL) then following is an workaround.

unless @arr_name.kind_of?(Array)  @arr_name = @arr_name.page(params[:page]).per(PER_PAGE_RECORDS)else  @arr_name = Kaminari.paginate_array(@arr_name).page(params[:page]).per(PER_PAGE_RECORDS)end