Rails 3 View helper method in Model Rails 3 View helper method in Model ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails

Rails 3 View helper method in Model

In your model, you can do something like the following:




The best solution is to refactor your code so that you don't need to call view helper code at all from models. It is not the RoR way. As others point out, you could extract the helper code to lib folder.

See this for more info:


You may place helper in your lib folder and include them anythere.Like this:lib/some_helper.rb

module SomeHelper  def somedef    #your code there  endend

If you need the helper in a class method you'd need to extend it, not include it.

module TalkHelper  def woo; 'hoo' endend   class MyClass  extend TalkHelper  def self.boo; woo endendMyClass.boo #=> 'hoo'

Just be careful with helpers outside of the view context, as helpers may depend on controller, or something else from the context of a request, which will not be available in your model.