Rails asset pipeline solution for IE 4096 selector/stylesheet limit Rails asset pipeline solution for IE 4096 selector/stylesheet limit ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails

Rails asset pipeline solution for IE 4096 selector/stylesheet limit

We have an automated (albeit somehow awkward) solution working in production for a Rails 3.1 app with asset pipeline in place. Ryan already referenced the solution in his question but I try to come up with a more comprehensive answer.

The asset pipeline pipes an asset through different Sprocket engines.

So you might have e.g. a ie.css.sass.erb that runs through the ERB Sprocket engine and then passed to the Sass Sprocket engine etc. But it is always one file in and one file out.

In this special problem, we would like to have 1 inbound file and n outbound files.We have not found a way to make this possible with sprockets. But we found a workaround:

Provide an ie.css.sass that includes the complete stylesheet and a ie_portion2.css.sass.split2 that just imports the complete ie.css file:

//= include 'ie.css'

For the split2 file extension, we register a Sprockets Engine:

require 'css_splitter'Rails.application.assets.register_engine '.split2', CssSplitter::SprocketsEngine

When evaluating assets with the split2 extension, we pass its content to the CssSplitter and instruct it to extract the part 2 (> 4095 selectors):

require 'tilt'module CssSplitter  class SprocketsEngine < Tilt::Template    def self.engine_initialized?      true    end    def prepare    end    def evaluate(scope, locals, &block)      part = scope.pathname.extname =~ /(\d+)$/ && $1 || 0      CssSplitter.split_string data, part.to_i    end  endend

This would also work for further parts (split3, ...).

The CSS Splitter recognizes valid places where stylesheets can be split into parts with less than 4096 selectors and returns the requested part.

The result is a ie_portion2.css which you have to link in the head and precompile separately.

I hope my revised CSS Splitter Gist is complete enough to employ the solution.


The CssSplitter mentionend above has been release as a gem now: https://github.com/zweilove/css_splitter

The solution I'm using in production is very simple, not automated, but works very well.To me this was the obvious thing to do, so maybe you thought about it already and did not like it - either way, here we go:

I'm assuming you're using sass, if not, I think you should :)

First, split your application.css.scss in seperate files, e.g.:application_a.css.scss and application_b.css.scss

Second, in your application.css.scss file, use:

@import "application_a"@import "application_b"

Third, in your layout template, include either the complete file, or both parts:

<!--[if !IE]><!-->  # link to application.css.scss<!--<![endif]--><!--[if IE]>  # link to application_a.css.scss  # link to application_b.css.scss<![endif]-->

Side note:Do not generate your stylesheet manifest files via the asset pipeline, do it via sass and it's @import statement, everything else will lead to problems.