Rails redirect with https Rails redirect with https ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails

Rails redirect with https

The ActionController::Base#redirect_to method takes an options hash, one of the parameters of which is :protocol which allows you to call:

redirect_to :protocol => 'https://',             :controller => 'some_controller',             :action => 'index'

See the definition for #redirect_to and #url_for for more info on the options.

Alternatively, and especially if SSL is to be used for all your controller actions, you could take a more declarative approach using a before_filter. In ApplicationController you could define the following method:

def redirect_to_https    redirect_to :protocol => "https://" unless (request.ssl? || request.local?)end

You can then add filters in your those controllers which have actions requiring SSL, e.g:

class YourController    before_filter :redirect_to_https, :only => ["index", "show"]end

Or, if you require SSL across your entire app, declare the filter in ApplicationController:

class ApplicationController    before_filter :redirect_to_httpsend

If you want your entire application to be served over https then since Rails 4.0 the best way to do this is to enable force_ssl in the configuration file like so:

# config/environments/production.rbRails.application.configure do  # [..]  # Force all access to the app over SSL, use Strict-Transport-Security,  # and use secure cookies.  config.force_ssl = trueend

By default this option is already present in config/environments/production.rb in in newly generated apps, but is commented out.

As the comment says, this will not just redirect to https, but also sets the Strict-Transport-Security header (HSTS) and makes sure that the secure flag is set on all cookies. Both measures increase the security of your application without significant drawbacks. It uses ActionDispatch:SSL.

The HSTS expire settings are set to a year by default and doesn't include subdomains, which is probably fine for most applications. You can configure this with the hsts option:

config.hsts = {  expires: 1.month.to_i,  subdomains: false,}

If you're running Rails 3 (>=3.1) or don't want to use https for the entire application, then you can use the force_ssl method in a controller:

class SecureController < ApplicationController  force_sslend

That's all. You can set it per controller, or in your ApplicationController. You can force https conditionally using the familiar if or unless options; for example:

# Only when we're not in development or testsforce_ssl unless: -> { Rails.env.in? ['development', 'test'] }

You're probably better off using ssl_requirement and not caring if a link or redirect is or isn't using https. With ssl_requirement, you declare which actions require SSL, which ones are capable of SSL and which ones are required not to use SSL.

If you're redirecting somewhere outside of your Rails app, then specifying the protocol as Olly suggests will work.