Rails set layout from within a before_filter method Rails set layout from within a before_filter method ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails

Rails set layout from within a before_filter method

From Rails guides, Choosing Layouts at Runtime:

class ProductsController < ApplicationController  layout :products_layout  private  def products_layout    @current_user.special? ? "special" : "products"  endend

If for some reason you cannot modify the existing controller and/or just want to do this in a before filter you can use self.class.layout :special here is an example:

class ProductsController < ApplicationController  layout :products  before_filter :set_special_layout  private  def set_special_layout    self.class.layout :special if @current_user.special?  endend

It's just another way to do essential the same thing. More options make for happier programmers!!

The modern way of doing this is to use a proc,

layout proc { |controller| user.logged_in? "layout1" : "layout2" }