rbenv: no such command "install" even though ruby-build is installed rbenv: no such command "install" even though ruby-build is installed ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails

rbenv: no such command "install" even though ruby-build is installed

Make sure to install optional step 5 in the instructions:

git clone https://github.com/rbenv/ruby-build.git ~/.rbenv/plugins/ruby-build

Install ruby-build, which provides the rbenv install command that simplifies the process of installing new Ruby versions.

I had similar problem, and trace the problem to ruby-build. So i updated the homebrew and reinstall the ruby-build

> brew update> brew reinstall ruby-build

Find the ruby version

> brew ls -v ruby-build | grep 2.1.4

then install intended version ruby again

> rbenv install 2.1.4

From your perms error I think you are trying to install to the system ruby, which is the one that comes with Apple OSX. You want to use rbenv to install your own ruby and install gems into that.

Read - https://github.com/rbenv/ruby-build#readme

And use the

rbenv versions

command to show what instance of ruby you are about to install the gems into. If it's system then you need to install your own ruby instance and then use that ruby for gems.