Reasons for spontaneously authenticity token rejection on production site Reasons for spontaneously authenticity token rejection on production site ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails

Reasons for spontaneously authenticity token rejection on production site

I am with Dorian on this one as for the solution.

If you're looking to the cause I'm fairly positive that this issue report in rails github hits true, especially this little section:

# Browser quits, clearing session cookies

# Browser re-opens, reloads the page from cache without doing a request

This is especially true since by defualt Rails uses turbolinks which encourages caching (by default 10 pages if I recall).

Another way this can be potentially replicated is by having a user load your DOM (and thus your cookies / session) and then having them manually destroy their session or cookies through the browser management tools (e.g: chrome://settings). This should also reproduce the error since you will have the hidden tag for csrf in the form, but not the session cookie... and you need both.

You should probably null the session in your production environment instead of throwing an exception:

In you ApplicationController (or any controller you are concerned about) add:

protect_from_forgery with: :null_session

If you are really worried about it, my advice would be to log to error to Bugsnag for instance and there you will be able to review the request and understand why it happened.