Recurring tasks in a Ruby On Rails application: Cron or other? Recurring tasks in a Ruby On Rails application: Cron or other? ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails

Recurring tasks in a Ruby On Rails application: Cron or other?

I would suggest doing something like a rake task and using the whenever gem to generate your cron job to run the rake task.

Check out,, for more information on the whenver gem.

The main benefit of the whenever gem is that it keeps your application requirements (i.e. the cron job running every x hours, in the application) inside your application, increasing the portability of your application.

I recommend a combination of the two above. You want a rake task, even if you have a direct method already created. This is because server admin stuff that you'd want to run in cron, you might also want to run from the command line occasionally, and this is what rake tasks are good for.

The whenever plugin sounds cool, although I can't vouch for it. Of course, it's good to know how to do things from scratch, then use plugins to make your life easier. Here's the from-scratch way.

Create a new file, lib/tasks/admin.rake

Inside, create the task itself:

namespace :admin  desc "Updates all RSS feeds"  task :rss => :environment do    RssFeed.update_all  endend

This assumes you have an RssFeed class, and the update_all method does what you'd expect. You can call this from the command line:

rake admin:rss

And you can add this to cron (by calling crontab -l as the web user) and adding this line:

10 0 * * * cd /path/to/rails/app && rake RAILS_ENV=production admin:rss

There are a variety of solutions. For the simplest setup, you can use script/runner in your crontab something like so:

10 0 * * * /home/myuser/myproject/script/runner -e production ModelName.methodname

Methodname must be a static method on your model. You need to reference the project by full path, otherwise it will not be found most likely in the cron environment. Check your crontab man page for info on the crontab syntax if you're not familiar. The above, for example, runs the script at the 10th minute of the 0th hour of every day (at 12:10am, in short).

If you need a more powerful solution, you could use BackgroundRB. BackgroundRB runs a daemon and supports tasks that schedule, and can put results in a database. They even have a simple communication protocol to allow your web processes to request a task be completed, and then have a way to retrieve the result. This allows you to control background jobs right from the web interface, rather than a crontab which just "happens".

There is a good bit more setup needed for BackroundRB to work, but it may be worth it if jobs need to be controlled.