Redirect to specific URL after logging in Redirect to specific URL after logging in ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails

Redirect to specific URL after logging in

Chances are that your user is being redirected before after_sign_in_path is called. This happens if the user tries to go to a page that is protected by authentication directly. This will happen all the time if you have your root_path ('/') protected by authentication.

There's a discussion on google groups about this topic:

The quick and dirty solution is to overwrite stored_location_for to always return nil like so:

class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base  ...  private   def stored_location_for(resource_or_scope)    nil  end  def after_sign_in_path_for(resource_or_scope)    my_favorite_path  endend

I think the after_sign_in_path_for method in Devise is what you're looking for.

Define that method in your ApplicationController and it will over-ride Devise's default implementation. This is what the documentation specifies to do.

Details here:

Suppose you want to show user's dashboard after logging in.

class HomesController < ApplicationController        def index       if current_user //returns nil if not logged in          @users = User.all          render :dashboard       end    end    def dashboard       @users = User.all    endend

in routes.rb:

root :to => 'homes#index'

If logged in, if-block is entered in index action and dashboard.erb is rendered.(make sure to initialize all variables, required by dashboard.erb, in your if-block)Otherwise rails renders index.erb