Rendering js from a Rails controller with webpacker Rendering js from a Rails controller with webpacker ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails

Rendering js from a Rails controller with webpacker

Figured it out thanks to this wonderful article!

Use expose-loader to expose key libraries to vanilla JavaScript sprinkled throughout your app.

1) Install dependency,

yarn add expose-loader --dev

2) Configure config/webpack/environment.js,

const { environment } = require('@rails/webpacker');environment.config.merge({  module: {    rules: [      {        test: require.resolve('jquery'),        use: [{          loader: 'expose-loader',          options: '$'        }, {          loader: 'expose-loader',          options: 'jQuery'        }]      },      {        test: require.resolve('rails-ujs'),        use: [{          loader: 'expose-loader',          options: 'Rails'        }]      }    ]  }});module.exports = environment;

I had a similar problem where I had undefined $ on the string$("#element").html(insert_code)

My configuration is similar to yours I solved by exposing at the end of the file pack/application.js

window.jQuery = jQuerywindow.$ = $