RSpec Application Helper Test: Undefined local variable or method `helper` RSpec Application Helper Test: Undefined local variable or method `helper` ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails

RSpec Application Helper Test: Undefined local variable or method `helper`

I created a new Rails project with a fresh RSpec installation, and it led me to the problem. Apparently one of the recent betas introduced a configuration directive called config.infer_spec_type_from_file_location! that was missing from my slightly older spec_helper file; without it, RSpec wasn't guessing the spec type and mixing in the associated methods. Beware breaking changes!

add :type => :helper so your code should look like

describe ApplicationHelper, type: :helper do ...end

That's a weird error !! are you sure you required spec_helper in your spec ?

Anyway you could try without the helper method:

First you should first add to /spec/spec_helper.rb the following:

RSpec.configure do |config|  ...  config.include ApplicationHelperend

Then test without helper , so it will be:

describe ApplicationHelper do  it 'renders Markdown from plain text' do    plaintext = '# Header'    expect(md(plaintext)).to eq("<h1 id=\"header\">Header</h1>\n")  endend