Rubber 2 (fog) and keypair error Rubber 2 (fog) and keypair error ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails

Rubber 2 (fog) and keypair error

I just experienced this, and this is what was wrong:

In the rubber.yml file I had:
region: us-east-1

However, when I created my key pair in the AWS console, I was in a different region.
You have to create the key pair while in the same region as specified in the rubber.yml file.

enter image description here

Hope this helps!

In the new AWS interface the region is in the upper right hand corner. Pick any region you wish, just ensure that your config/rubber/rubber.yml file is exact:

cloud_providers:aws:# REQUIRED The AWS region that you want to use.# # Options include#us-east-1# eu-west-1# ap-northeast-1# ap-southeast-1# ap-southeast-2#region: us-east-1

My config/rubber/rubber.yml is exactly as above, and it works. Thanks Johnnycakes for solving this!

Sorry for "reviving" old issue but this may be useful for someone.

I had similar issue, except for that my regions was exactly the same.My problem was that i renamed key file, and looks like its should be named exactly as "Key pair name" in AWS/EC2/Keypairs.