Ruby on Rails: Cucumber: how do I Rake a single feature? Ruby on Rails: Cucumber: how do I Rake a single feature? ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails

Ruby on Rails: Cucumber: how do I Rake a single feature?

The correct way is to run it using the cucumber executable if you're using Rails 2, or bundle exec cucumber if you're using Rails 3 (and thus Bundler).

To run a specific feature:

[command] features/signing_in.feature

To run a specific scenario from that feature:

[command] features/signing_in.feature:6

The line number can be any line inside that feature, but is usually the first line.

If you run rake cucumber:ok and some scenarios fail, at the bottom of the output you will see something like this:

cucumber features/sigining_in.feature:6 # Signing in via form

You can triple-click this line and paste it into your terminal to just run that scenario.

To answer the Rake question directly, you can use:

rake FEATURE=features/adding_products.feature cucumber

but the Using Rake wiki page advises against using rake for anything but on a CI server because it's slower to start. Just use the cucumber command line instead, i.e.:

cucumber features/adding_products.feature

or, if you must:

bundle exec cucumber features/adding_products.feature

The rake did not worked for me.Just replaced the rake with bundle exec, and it worked.below is a sample.

bundle exec cucumber features/users/signup.feature --require features