Ruby-on-Rails: Multiple has_many :through possible? Ruby-on-Rails: Multiple has_many :through possible? ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails

Ruby-on-Rails: Multiple has_many :through possible?


Rails 3.1 supports nested associations. E.g:

has_many :taskshas_many :assigments, :through => :taskshas_many :users, :through => :assignments

There is no need for the solution given below. Refer to this screencast for more details.

Original Answer

You are passing a has_many :through association as a source for another has_many :through association. I don't think it will work.

  has_many :friends,            :through => :friendships,           :conditions => "status = #{Friendship::FULL}"  has_many :friends_comments, :through => :friends, :source => :comments

You have three approaches to solving this issue.

1) Write an association extension

 has_many  :friends,            :through => :friendships,           :conditions => "status = #{Friendship::FULL}" do     def comments(reload=false)       @comments = nil if reload        @comments ||=Comment.find_all_by_user_id(map(&:id))     end end

Now you can get the friends comments as follows:


2) Add a method to the User class.

  def friends_comments(reload=false)    @friends_comments = nil if reload     @friends_comments ||=Comment.find_all_by_user_id(self.friend_ids)  end

Now you can get the friends comments as follows:


3) If you want this to be even more efficient then:

  def friends_comments(reload=false)    @friends_comments = nil if reload     @friends_comments ||=Comment.all(              :joins => "JOIN (SELECT friend_id AS user_id                               FROM   friendships                               WHERE  user_id = #{}                        ) AS friends ON comments.user_id = friends.user_id")  end

Now you can get the friends comments as follows:


All methods cache the results. If you want to reload the results do the following:


OR better still:


There is a plugin that solves your problem, take a look at this blog.

You install the plugin with

script/plugin install git://

Although this didn't work in the past, it works fine in Rails 3.1 now.