Ruby on Rails - render layout Ruby on Rails - render layout ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails

Ruby on Rails - render layout

The method render will actually attempt to render content; you should not call it when all you want to do is set the layout.

Rails has a pattern for all of this baked in. Simply pass a symbol to layout and the method with that name will be called in order to determine the current layout:

class MyController < ApplicationController  layout :admin_layout  private  def admin_layout    # Check if logged in, because current_user could be nil.    if logged_in? and current_user.is_able_to('siteadmin')      "admin"    else      "application"    end  endend

See details here.

perhaps you need to check that the user is signed in first?

def admin_layout  if current_user and current_user.is_able_to 'siteadmin'    render :layout => 'admin'  else    render :layout => 'application'  endend

It might be because current_user is nil when the user is not logged in. Either test for .nil? or initialize the object.