Ruby/Rails - Remove ActiveAdmin from my application Ruby/Rails - Remove ActiveAdmin from my application ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails

Ruby/Rails - Remove ActiveAdmin from my application

If you run the following code it should destroy active admin:

rails destroy active_admin:installrails destroy active_admin:resource product

Run this in terminal

rails destroy active_admin:install

Remove gem 'activeadmin' from your gemfile.

Delete the asset files from js and css folders if any remain

Delete any of these lines in Routes.rb

  devise_for :admin_users, ActiveAdmin::Devise.config  ActiveAdmin.routes(self)  ActiveAdmin.routes(self)

Then create a new migration with:

  drop_table :active_admin_comments

You may also need:

  drop_table :admin_notes

Or rollback the migrations by finding the relevant files MoveAdminNotesToComments and CreateAdminNotes in your db/migrate folder

rake db:migrate:down VERSION=the_version_numberrake db:migrate:down VERSION=the_version_number

You also need to delete all the active admin related js and css files in your assets folder after runningrails destroy active_admin:install