Running ruby debug in rspec? Running ruby debug in rspec? ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails

Running ruby debug in rspec?

You will get what you want by including require 'ruby-debug' at the top of your spec:

# spec/models/user_spec.rbrequire 'spec_helper'require 'ruby-debug'describe User do  it "should be valid" do    debugger be_valid  endend

You would then run rake spec or rspec as normal

NOTE: I now prefer Ruby 2.0+ and pry. It is pretty much the same process:

require 'spec_helper'require 'pry-debugger'describe User do  it "should be valid" do    binding.pry    expect( be_valid  endend

Also, I generally put requires like this in my spec_helper file, so that pry-debugger is available to all of my specs.

You can create an .rspec configuration file in the root of your project and include the line:


For Ruby >= 1.9.2

You should install the debugger gem instead of ruby-debug19. It you use bundler, you just put this in your Gemfile:

group :test do  gem "debugger"end

After that you can just put

rspec < 3.0


rspec >= 3.0


in your .rspec file

Then you can just run

bundle exec rake spec

without any additional arguments. There is no need to modify your source code either (not even your test source code)