RuntimeError with mysql2 and rails3 (bundler) RuntimeError with mysql2 and rails3 (bundler) ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails

RuntimeError with mysql2 and rails3 (bundler)

I was getting the same error while using rails 3.0.7 and mysql2 0.3.2.The solution, which I found here,is to use an older version of mysql2. Thus edit your gemfile to

gem 'mysql2', '< 0.3'

and run

bundle install 

Also need to change adapter from mysql to mysql2 in database.yml as said hereInstall mysql2 gem on Snow Leopard for Rails 3 with rvm


development: adapter: mysql


development: adapter: mysql2

Did you include the mysql2 gem in your gemfile instead of the old mysql gem, and ran bundle install afterwards?