Seeding users with Devise in Ruby on Rails Seeding users with Devise in Ruby on Rails ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails

Seeding users with Devise in Ruby on Rails

You have to do like this:

user = = ''user.encrypted_password = '#$taawktljasktlw4aaglj'!

Read this guide to understand what mass-assignment is:

I am wondering why do have to directly set the encrypted password. You could do this:

user.password = 'valid_password'user.password_confirmation = 'valid_password'

Arun is right. It's easier just to do this in your seeds.rb

user = User.create! :name => 'John Doe', :email => '', :password => 'topsecret', :password_confirmation => 'topsecret'

The skip_confirmation method will only work if you have confirmable module in your user model, otherwise remove it.

  user =      :email                 => "",      :password              => "123456",      :password_confirmation => "123456"  )  user.skip_confirmation!!