to_d to always return 2 decimals places in ruby to_d to always return 2 decimals places in ruby ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails

to_d to always return 2 decimals places in ruby

In addition to mcfinnigan's answer, you can also use the following to get 2 decimal places

'%.2f' % 500 # "500.00"

This use case is known as the string format operator

Since you are using Rails and this seems to be related to a view, there's number_with_precision:

number_with_precision(500, precision: 2)#=> "500.00"I18n.locale = :denumber_with_precision(500, precision: 2)#=> "500,00"

For currencies I'd suggest number_to_currency:

number_to_currency(500)#=> "$500.00"

Here's a hint. 500.00 is a representation of the number 500.0

Specifically, sprintf will help you:

irb(main):004:0> sprintf "%.2f", 500.0=> "500.00"