twitter-bootstrap-rails gem workflow twitter-bootstrap-rails gem workflow ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails

twitter-bootstrap-rails gem workflow

I'm the author of twitter-bootstrap-rails gem. I'll give you a quick walktrough to how to install and use twitter-bootstrap-rails.

Ruby stack;(Ruby 1.9.3, Rails 3.1 or Rails 3.2 is required. Use RVM to get started)

After bundling gem to Gemfile by;

gem 'twitter-bootstrap-rails'bundle install

Run install generator

rails g bootstrap:install

(it will includes Twitter Bootstrap to your app's asset pipeline)

Run layout generator

rails g bootstrap:layout application fixed

(it will generates layout for you, by default application.html.erb and fixed layout will generates)

Run themed generator (optional);

rails g scaffold post title:string description:text

(this step uses Rails generators to create CRUD stuff for you)

rake db:migrate

(migrating to database)

rails g bootstrap:themed posts

(Twitter Bootstrap compatible styling for your 'posts' views and form)

Also there is detailed documentation to install, usage and generators, coffeescript etc.


rails new APPLICATION -m anyfile.rb


gem "therubyracer"gem "less-rails" gem "twitter-bootstrap-rails"generate("scaffold", "Post title:string content:text")rake("db:create")rake("db:migrate")generate("bootstrap:layout", "application fluid")generate("bootstrap:install")generate("bootstrap:themed", "posts")git :initgit :add => "."git :commit => "-m First commit!"