Undefined method 'pluralize' for #<Controller> Undefined method 'pluralize' for #<Controller> ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails

Undefined method 'pluralize' for #<Controller>

If you don't want to use view helpers, then you can use String#pluralize:


If you want to use view helpers then you should include the respective helper as another answers or just use ActionView::Rendering#view_context:

view_context.pluralize(@imported_customers.size, "customer")

By default, the pluralize method is only made available in your views. To use it in a controller, put this at the top of your controller class:

include ActionView::Helpers::TextHelper


# app/controllers/cutomers_controller.rbclass CustomersController < ApplicationController  include ActionView::Helpers::TextHelper  def index  etc. ...

You can call pluralize helper with:

ActionController::Base.helpers.pluralize(@imported_customers.size, "customer") + " imported!"


# app/controllers/cutomers_controller.rbclass CustomersController < ApplicationController  include ActionView::Helpers::TextHelper