What does bundle install --without production do? What does bundle install --without production do? ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails

What does bundle install --without production do?

If you have a group inside your Gemfile like

group :production do    gem 'whatever'end

Then when you run your bundle command on your development machine, it won't install the gems intended for use in your production environment. Basically only installing the gems you need in development on your development machine.

As you seen some people using following command(Which you said in your question):

bundle install --without production

--without production is a special flag which we are using.

For more explanation I am taking following example:

group :production do  gem 'pg', '0.12.2'end

Now, If I use following command:

bundle install --without production

In above command, the --without production option prevents the local installation of any production gem means whatever gems are in the production group will not be installed -- which in our example is just one gem: pg.

As it's mentioned on bundler docs,

This option is deprecated in favor of the without setting.

So, to avoid installing production group gems now one would use:

$ bundle config without production

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