What is the difference between Ruby on Rails and Grails? What is the difference between Ruby on Rails and Grails? ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails

What is the difference between Ruby on Rails and Grails?

I have worked on both Groovy on Grails and Ruby on Rails.

  1. Both are agile platforms and follow the DRY or 'don't repeat yourself' principle.
  2. Both Grails is a framework of frameworks. You can write Java or Ruby syntax code in place of Groovy syntax code it will work perfectly.
  3. In Groovy we can use Java Spring and Hibernate frameworks too.
  4. Both support scaffolding.
  5. Rails has gems and plugins but in Grails, till now, I have used only plugins.
  6. Rails framework is built in Ruby language and Grails framework is built in Groovy language.

Both are wonderful frameworks.

You can find documentaion here:

They are completely different technologies sharing a name pattern (e.g. Java and JavaScript). It was smart at the time to name the web framework built using Groovy "Groovy on Rails" (later asked to change its name) to get attention in a space saturated with web frameworks. One key fundamental difference (besides different programming languages) is the use of ActiveRecord in Rails versus Hibernate in Grails.

Grails embraces the convention over configuration approach first popularized by Rails.

Grails, formerly known as "Groovy on Rails", is a web app framework using the programming language Groovy. Ruby on Rails is very similar, but uses Ruby. (Note: I have no experience with either framework or language.)

Here is a discussion about the two. Google can provide you with many more comparisons.