Zurb Foundation 5, modernizr not found Zurb Foundation 5, modernizr not found ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails

Zurb Foundation 5, modernizr not found

Update 3/13/14

I don't have this problem on heroku with foundation-rails- Adding javascript_include_tag "vendor/modernizr" in the head works. I could remove the modernizr I copied to the vendor directory and remove the extra line in app.js

I had the same problem on heroku, the app would crash because it couldn't find modernizr.js. Here's how I fixed it:

  • Copy modernizr.js from foundation (wherever you installed it with bundler) into vendor/assets/javascripts/.
  • Add //= require modernizr below //= require_tree . on application.js.
  • Remove javascript_include_tag "vendor/moderizr" from application.html

I got the same error as you and I did this to fix it:

In config/environments/production.rb, set this:

# Do not fallback to assets pipeline if a precompiled asset is missed.config.assets.compile = true

Try updating the gem you're using for Foundation. This commit from five days ago may help you since it claims to add a missing modernizr.js file.