Add api key to every request in ActiveResource Add api key to every request in ActiveResource ruby ruby

Add api key to every request in ActiveResource

Use model#prefix_options which is a hash for passing params into query string (or even as substitions for parts of the Model.prefix, e.g. "/myresource/:param/" will be replaced by the value of prefix_options[:param] . Any hash keys not found in the prefix will be added to the query string, which is what we want in your case).

class Model < ActiveResource::Base  class << self    attr_accessor :api_key  end  def save    prefix_options[:api_key] = self.class.api_key    super = 'http://yoursite/'Model.api_key = 'xyz123'm = => 'value 1')# hits http://yoursite:80/models.xml?

I recently was faced with a similar issue, if you are on Rails3, it supports using custom header which makes life much easier for these situations.

On the side you are making the request from, add

headers['app_key'] = 'Your_App_Key'

to the class you are inheriting from ActiveResource::Base

On you are server, for Authentication, simply receive it as


For Example:

class Magic < ActiveResource::Base    headers['app_key'] = 'Your_App_Key'end

now Magic.get, Magic.find, will all send the app_key

I have much nicer solution ! I try with Rack in middleware but i no find any solution in this way....

I propose you this module for override methods of ActiveReouse::Base

Add this lib in /lib/active_resource/extend/ directory don't forget uncomment
"config.autoload_paths += %W(#{config.root}/lib)" in config/application.rb

module ActiveResource #:nodoc:  module Extend    module AuthWithApi      module ClassMethods        def element_path_with_auth(*args)          element_path_without_auth(*args).concat("?auth_token=#{self.api_key}")        end        def new_element_path_with_auth(*args)          new_element_path_without_auth(*args).concat("?auth_token=#{self.api_key}")        end        def collection_path_with_auth(*args)          collection_path_without_auth(*args).concat("?auth_token=#{self.api_key}")        end      end      def self.included(base)        base.class_eval do          extend ClassMethods          class << self            alias_method_chain :element_path, :auth            alias_method_chain :new_element_path, :auth            alias_method_chain :collection_path, :auth            attr_accessor :api_key          end        end      end      end  end  end

in model

class Post < ActiveResource::Base  include ActiveResource::Extend::AuthWithApi = ""  self.format = :json  self.api_key = 'jCxKPj8wJJdOnQJB8ERy'  schema do    string  :title    string  :content  endend