Batch insertion in rails 3 Batch insertion in rails 3 ruby ruby

Batch insertion in rails 3

ActiveRecord .create method supports bulk creation. The method emulates the feature if the DB doesn't support it and uses the underlying DB engine if the feature is supported.

Just pass an array of options.

# Create an Array of new objectsUser.create([{ :first_name => 'Jamie' }, { :first_name => 'Jeremy' }])

Block is supported and it's the common way for shared attributes.

# Creating an Array of new objects using a block, where the block is executed for each object:User.create([{ :first_name => 'Jamie' }, { :first_name => 'Jeremy' }]) do |u|  u.is_admin = falseend

I finally reached a solution after the two answers of @Simone Carletti and @Sumit Munot.

Until the postgres driver supports the ActiveRecord .create method's bulk insertion, I would like to go with activerecord-import gem. It does bulk insert and that too in a single insert statement.

books = []10.times do |i|     books << => "book #{i}")endBook.import books

In POSTGRES it lead to a single insert statemnt.

Once the postgres driver supports the ActiveRecord .create method's bulk insertion in a single insert statement, then @Simone Carletti 's solution makes more sense :)

You can create a script in your rails model, write your queries to insert in that scriptIn rails you can run the script using

rails runner MyModelName.my_method_name

Is the best way that i used in my project.


I use following in my project but it is not proper for sql injection.if you are not using user input in this query it may work for you

user_string = " ('','a'), ('','b')"User.connection.insert("INSERT INTO users (email, name) VALUES"+user_string)

For Multiple records:

new_records = [  {:column => 'value', :column2 => 'value'},   {:column => 'value', :column2 => 'value'}]MyModel.create(new_records)