Best way to create custom config options for my Rails app? Best way to create custom config options for my Rails app? ruby ruby

Best way to create custom config options for my Rails app?

For general application configuration that doesn't need to be stored in a database table, I like to create a config.yml file within the config directory. For your example, it might look like this:

defaults: &defaults  audiocast_uri_format: http://blablalba/blabbitybla/yaddadevelopment:  <<: *defaultstest:  <<: *defaultsproduction:  <<: *defaults

This configuration file gets loaded from a custom initializer in config/initializers:

# Rails 2APP_CONFIG = YAML.load_file("#{RAILS_ROOT}/config/config.yml")[RAILS_ENV]# Rails 3+APP_CONFIG = YAML.load_file(Rails.root.join('config/config.yml'))[Rails.env]

If you're using Rails 3, ensure you don't accidentally add a leading slash to your relative config path.

You can then retrieve the value using:

uri_format = APP_CONFIG['audiocast_uri_format']

See this Railscast for full details.

Rails 3 version of initialiser code is as follows (RAILS_ROOT & RAILS_ENV are deprecated)

APP_CONFIG = YAML.load_file(Rails.root.join('config', 'config.yml'))[Rails.env]

Also, Ruby 1.9.3 uses Psych which makes merge keys case sensitive so you'll need to change your config file to take that into account, e.g.

defaults: &DEFAULTS  audiocast_uri_format: http://blablalba/blabbitybla/yaddadevelopment:  <<: *DEFAULTStest:  <<: *DEFAULTSproduction:  <<: *DEFAULTS

Rails >= 4.2

Just create a YAML file into config/ directory, for example: config/neo4j.yml.

Content of neo4j.yml can be somthing like below(For simplicity, I used default for all environments):

default: &default  host: localhost  port: 7474  username: neo4j  password: rootdevelopment:  <<: *defaulttest:  <<: *defaultproduction:  <<: *default

in config/application.rb:

module MyApp  class Application < Rails::Application    config.neo4j = config_for(:neo4j)  endend

Now, your custom config is accessible like below:

Rails.configuration.neo4j['host'] #=>localhostRails.configuration.neo4j['port'] #=>7474

More info

Rails official API document describes config_for method as:

Convenience for loading config/foo.yml for the current Rails env.

If you do not want to use a yaml file

As Rails official guide says:

You can configure your own code through the Rails configuration object with custom configuration under the config.x property.


config.x.payment_processing.schedule = :dailyconfig.x.payment_processing.retries  = 3config.x.super_debugger = true

These configuration points are then available through the configuration object:

Rails.configuration.x.payment_processing.schedule # => :dailyRails.configuration.x.payment_processing.retries  # => 3Rails.configuration.x.super_debugger              # => trueRails.configuration.x.super_debugger.not_set      # => nil

Official Reference for config_for method | Official Rails Guide