Bundle command not found Windows x64 Bundle command not found Windows x64 ruby ruby

Bundle command not found Windows x64

You probably don't have the Bundler gem installed.

Assuming you have Ruby installed:

gem install bundler

should do the trick.

Well I found the solution, so I'm posting here.Problem seems to be the bunlder installation in windows x64 machines, to solve this I did this.

Copy the following directories to C:/

C:\Program Files (x86)\HerokuC:\Program Files (x86)\GitC:\Program Files (x86)\ruby-1.9.2

Change windows environment "Path" variable, to do this right click Computer > Properties > Advance Settings > environment variables. Path is under "System Variables" section. Edit them to this:


Go to C:\ruby-1.9.2\bin and open the "bunlde" file with note pad (not the bundle.bat), change the first line from #!"c:/Program Files (x86)/ruby-1.9.2/bin/ruby.exe"## to !#!c:/ruby-1.9.2/bin/ruby.exe##

Now go to C:\Git and change the properties (right click > properties) of the Git Bash direct access, and change the target from C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cmd.exe /c ""C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin\sh.exe" --login -i" to C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cmd.exe /c ""C:\Git\bin\sh.exe" --login -i"

Hope it helps someone

For Windows users:

I used gitbash to install bundler.

gem install bundler

and the bundler was installed successfully.Even after that i was facing the same issue.

Found out that it was due to some permission issue in my case.

Here is what i did:

  1. I fired up a command prompt (Note: with administrator privilege )
  2. I did gem install bundler once again and it installed.
  3. Now i could do something like bundle -v, It gave me the bundler version currently installed.
  4. I tried the same bundle -v using Git Bash but it still is not working somehow.
  5. I restarted my laptop, And surprisingly now it is works.

Hope this is helpful to anyone.