Can I override task :environment in test_helper.rb to test rake tasks? Can I override task :environment in test_helper.rb to test rake tasks? ruby ruby

Can I override task :environment in test_helper.rb to test rake tasks?

My "solution" to a similar problem was to extract all the logic from my .rake files and create classes to perform the tasks, leaving just a one-line call in the rake file, which I felt confident in not testing too hard. The classes could then be tested pretty much normally.

I don't know how well this would stand up to a complex set of interdependent tasks that maintain some far-reaching state: probably not well, but then again that would most likely be an indication of some other design problem...

I'm curious to see if I've missed something better.

EDIT: There used to be a blog post here that (a) says the same thing and (b) says it better. Looks like he said it first, too.

I think you are looking for this line:require(File.join(RAILS_ROOT, 'config', 'environment'))it's exactly what you find in "task :environment" implementation

I use it to test my rake tasks using rspec

when you are running tests environment is that is being loaded is test.

so you are interacting with test database only.

So i dont see any reason to override your rake task in test_helper.rb