Cannot start rails 4 console on production server Cannot start rails 4 console on production server ruby ruby

Cannot start rails 4 console on production server

Ok, found the issue... @stoodfarback was pretty close, but I thought the cause of the issue needed to be mentioned for others who might encounter the same thing.

Basically I am using a newer version of Capistrano (3.3.5) than I have used in the past and it (by default) adds 'bin' to the list of shared directories that it symlinks on each deploy.

set :linked_dirs, fetch(:linked_dirs, []).push('bin', 'log', 'tmp', 'public/system', "public/downloads", "public/assets")

So the deploy script created a new directory in shared called bin (which was empty) and the files used to launch rails server and console were missing. They were obviously still there in development, so it only affected production.

Removed 'bin' from the linked_dirs list and everything now works as expected.

now looks like:

set :linked_dirs, fetch(:linked_dirs, []).push('log', 'tmp', 'public/system', "public/downloads","publ ic/assets")

I have noticed on the last few versions of Capistrano that I have used, the format and defaults for linked_dirs keeps changing quite a bit, but I had never seen bin in that list. Not really sure why bin would need to be symlinked... it only has the default rails files and I can't think of why they would need to be removed from source control, but maybe the Capistrano team has a reason.

Hope this helps someone.

Check if you have any of these files and try deleting them:

  • script/rails
  • bin/rails