Capybara can't find database records during feature specs Capybara can't find database records during feature specs ruby ruby

Capybara can't find database records during feature specs

You may have config.use_transactional_fixtures = true set in your spec_helper.rb. This would override what you have above.

You want to either remove this line from your spec_helper.rb or change it there to be false.

I ran into this same issue and had a very similar config. After looking through the DatabaseCleaner README, I found this small note:

It's also recommended to use append_after to ensure DatabaseCleaner.clean runs after the after-test cleanup capybara/rspec installs.


That means changing your

config.after(:each) do  DatabaseCleaner.cleanend


config.append_after(:each) do  DatabaseCleaner.cleanend

Note the append_after instead of after. This fixed my problem.

Working on legacy project I have had such issue, it was caused by switching DatabaseCleaner strategy to :truncation like the following:

config.before(:suite) do  DatabaseCleaner.strategy = :truncation  DatabaseCleaner.clean  Test::Seeder.seed!  DatabaseCleaner.strategy = :transactionend

so, removing DatabaseCleaner.strategy = :transaction helped in my case