Checking if a string is valid json before trying to parse it? Checking if a string is valid json before trying to parse it? ruby ruby

Checking if a string is valid json before trying to parse it?

You can create a method to do the checking:

def valid_json?(json)    JSON.parse(json)    return true  rescue JSON::ParserError => e    return falseend

You can parse it this way

begin  JSON.parse(string)  rescue JSON::ParserError => e    # do smthend # or for method get_parsed_responsedef get_parsed_response(response)  parsed_response = JSON.parse(response)rescue JSON::ParserError => e    # do smthend

I think parse_json should return nil if it's invalid and shouldn't error out.

def parse_json string  JSON.parse(string) rescue nilendunless json = parse_json string  parse_a_different_wayend