Code to generate Gaussian (normally distributed) random numbers in Ruby Code to generate Gaussian (normally distributed) random numbers in Ruby ruby ruby

Code to generate Gaussian (normally distributed) random numbers in Ruby

Python's random.gauss() and Boost's normal_distribution both use the Box-Muller transform, so that should be good enough for Ruby too.

def gaussian(mean, stddev, rand)  theta = 2 * Math::PI *  rho = Math.sqrt(-2 * Math.log(1 -  scale = stddev * rho  x = mean + scale * Math.cos(theta)  y = mean + scale * Math.sin(theta)  return x, yend

The method can be wrapped up in a class that returns the samples one by one.

class RandomGaussian  def initialize(mean, stddev, rand_helper = lambda { Kernel.rand })    @rand_helper = rand_helper    @mean = mean    @stddev = stddev    @valid = false    @next = 0  end  def rand    if @valid then      @valid = false      return @next    else      @valid = true      x, y = self.class.gaussian(@mean, @stddev, @rand_helper)      @next = y      return x    end  end  private  def self.gaussian(mean, stddev, rand)    theta = 2 * Math::PI *    rho = Math.sqrt(-2 * Math.log(1 -    scale = stddev * rho    x = mean + scale * Math.cos(theta)    y = mean + scale * Math.sin(theta)    return x, y  endend

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To the extent possible under law, antonakos has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to the RandomGaussian Ruby class. This work is published from: Denmark.

The original question asked for code, but the author's followup comment implied an interest in using existing libraries. I was interested in the same, and my searches turned up these two ruby gems:

gsl - "Ruby interface to the GNU Scientific Library" (requires you to install GSL). The calling sequence for normally distributed random numbers with mean = 0 and a given standard deviation is

 rng = GSL::Rng.alloc rng.gaussian(sd)      # a single random sample rng.gaussian(sd, 100) # 100 random samples

rubystats - "a port of the statistics libraries from PHPMath" (pure ruby). The calling sequence for normally distributed random numbers with a given mean and standard deviation is

 gen =, sd) gen.rng               # a single random sample gen.rng(100)          # 100 random samples

+1 on @antonakos's answer. Here's the implementation of Box-Muller that I've been using; it's essentially identical but slightly tighter code:

class RandomGaussian  def initialize(mean = 0.0, sd = 1.0, rng = lambda { Kernel.rand })    @mean, @sd, @rng = mean, sd, rng    @compute_next_pair = false  end  def rand    if (@compute_next_pair = !@compute_next_pair)      # Compute a pair of random values with normal distribution.      # See      theta = 2 * Math::PI *      scale = @sd * Math.sqrt(-2 * Math.log(1 -      @g1 = @mean + scale * Math.sin(theta)      @g0 = @mean + scale * Math.cos(theta)    else      @g1    end  endend

Of course, if you really cared about speed, you should implement the Ziggurat Algorithm :).