Create hash using block (Ruby) Create hash using block (Ruby) ruby ruby

Create hash using block (Ruby)

In Ruby 1.9 (or with ActiveSupport loaded, e.g. in Rails), you can use Object#tap, e.g.:

foo = do |bar|  bar[:baz] = 'qux'end

You can pass a block to, but that serves to define default values:

foo = { |hsh, key| hsh[key] = 'baz qux' }foo[:bar]   #=> 'baz qux'

For what it's worth, I am assuming that you have a larger purpose in mind with this block stuff. The syntax { :foo => 'bar', :baz => 'qux' } may be all you really need.

I cannot understand why

foo = {  :apple => "red",  :orange => "orange",  :grape => "purple"}

is not working for you?

I wanted to post this as comment but i couldn't find the button, sorry

Passing a block to specifies what happens when you ask for a non-existent key.

foo = do |f|  f[:apple] = "red"  f[:orange] = "orange"  f[:grape] = "purple"endfoo.inspect # => {}foo[:nosuchvalue] # => "purple"foo # => {:apple=>"red", :orange=>"orange", :grape=>"purple"}

As looking up a non-existent key will over-write any existing data for :apple, :orange and :grape, you don't want this to happen.

Here's the link to the specification.