Devise and localized own mail template Devise and localized own mail template ruby ruby

Devise and localized own mail template

Devise is offering the localisation of mail template "natively".

have a look at the devise source code this file is explained how to localise the subject (to be added to your locales files)

  # Setup a subject doing an I18n lookup. At first, it attemps to set a subject  # based on the current mapping:  #  #   en:  #     devise:  #       mailer:  #         confirmation_instructions:  #           user_subject: '...'  #

This is then the body template that you need to localise as any other html.erb

Depending if your new user will sign_up using http://yoursite/it/users/sign_up or http://yoursite/en/users/sign_up (as you would normally do in your routes for your localised application) the good localised subject and mail (in the former case in Italian, in the latter in English) will be sent.

I recommend to add a locale column to your User model and use your own mailer.This way you have also more flexibility, if you plan to set your own stylesheets and from fields or add additional mails.

in config/initializer/devise.rb:

Devise.setup do |config|  ...  config.mailer = "UserMailer"  ...end

in app/mailers/user_mailer.rb

class UserMailer < Devise::Mailer  default from: ""  def confirmation_instructions(user)    @user = user    set_locale(@user)    mail to:  end  def reset_password_instructions(user)    @user = user    set_locale(@user)    mail to:  end  def unlock_instructions(user)    @user = user    set_locale(@user)    mail to:  end  private   def set_locale(user)     I18n.locale = user.locale || I18n.default_locale   endend

One more way is to add the initializer:

require 'devise/mailer'module Devise  class Mailer    module Localized      %w(        confirmation_instructions        reset_password_instructions        unlock_instructions      ).each do |method|        define_method(method) do |resource, *args|          I18n.with_locale(resource.try(:locale)) do            super(resource, *args)          end        end      end    end    prepend Localized  endend

For ruby <2.1 you can use concern with alias_method_chain.