Devise API authentication [closed] Devise API authentication [closed] ruby ruby

Devise API authentication [closed]

There is a devise configuration called :token_authenticatable. So if you add that to the devise method in your "user", then you can authenticate in your API just by calling


You'll probably want this in your user as well:

before_save :ensure_authentication_token

UPDATE (with API authorization code)

The method you're looking for are:

resource = User.find_for_database_authentication(:login=>params[:user_login][:login])resource.valid_password?(params[:user_login][:password])

here's my gist with a full scale JSON/API login with devise

I would recommend reading through the Devise Wiki, as Devise natively supports token authentication as one of it's modules. I have not personally worked with token authentication in Devise, but Brandon Martin has an example token authentication example here.

Devise is based on Warden, an authentification middleware for Rack.

If you need to implement your own (alternative) way to authenticate a user, you should have a look at Warden in combination with the strategies that ship with Devise: