Does something similar to gsub exist in javascript? Does something similar to gsub exist in javascript? ruby ruby

Does something similar to gsub exist in javascript?

If others were looking for an equivalent to gsub in general, this only replaces the first match:

"aa".replace("a", "b") // "ba"

//g replaces all matches:

"aa".replace(/a/g, "b") // "bb""aa".replace(new RegExp("a", "g"), "b"); // "bb"

You can access the raw HTML via a DOM element's innerHTML property, or using JQuery's html property wrapping it, and then perform the substitution:

var html = $(document).html();$(document).html(html.replace('{{title}}', 'I am a title');


As pointed out by Antti Haapala, replacing the entire document HTML can have side-effects you don't want to deal with, like scripts being reloaded. Thus, you should drill down to the most specific DOM element possible before performing the substitution, i.e.:

var element = $('#content');var html = element.html();element.html(html.replace('{{title}}', 'I am a title');

Well, you can use String.replace with a regex, but really, what you could use are jQuery Templates.