don't have jekyll-paginate or one of its dependencies installed don't have jekyll-paginate or one of its dependencies installed ruby ruby

don't have jekyll-paginate or one of its dependencies installed

A similar problem has happened to me! I found you have two versions of jekyll,jekyll (3.1.1, 3.0.3),which results in this phenomenon。So uninstall one :First run gem uninstall jekyll ,

 gem uninstall jekyll   Select gem to uninstall:     1. jekyll-3.0.3     2. jekyll-3.1.2     3. All versions    > 2    Successfully uninstalled jekyll-3.1.2

then run Jekyll serve.

Wish to help you!

I have found the solution to the same error don't have jekyll-paginate or one of its dependencies following this recomendation:

Edit the Gemfile and add:

source ""gem "jekyll"gem "jekyll-paginate"

In my case, I have to add only to my Gemfile the

gem "jekyll"

And after I have edited the file, I ran in the terminal the commands:

$ bundle install$ bundle exec jekyll serve

And this problem was solved...

Found a similar issue on Jekyll repository, and this comment helped me solve it.

First run gem uninstall --all, then run gem install github-pages.

P.S. You also don't need jekyll-paginate explicitly in your Gemfile as it's already included in github-pages gem.