Dynamodb: Querying tables with secondary index Dynamodb: Querying tables with secondary index ruby ruby

Dynamodb: Querying tables with secondary index

You are not querying the secondary index, you are querying the primary index(hash and range key).To use a secondary index with DynamoDB you must use V2 of the API and specify the index in the query operation

client = AWS::DynamoDB::Client.new(api_version: '2012-08-10') client.query( {   :table_name: 'table',   :index_name: "timestamp-index", :select: 'ALL_PROJECTED_ATTRIBUTES',   :key_conditions: {    'hk' => {      :comparison_operator: 'EQ',     :attribute_value_list: [        {'s' => 'aaaa'}      ]    },    'timestamp' => {     :comparison_operator: 'GE',      :attribute_value_list: [        {'s' => Time.now.utc.iso8601}      ]    }   } })

You can use "scan" instead "query"http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaScriptSDK/latest/AWS/DynamoDB/DocumentClient.html#scan-property

I can emphatize that scan in slower than query, scan is not recomended for huge amount data retrieve.

I did this with the next schema

DB SchemaWherePrimary partition key id (String)

  //JavaScript EXAMPLE-1  var params = {        TableName : 'users',        FilterExpression : 'isActive = :isActive',        ExpressionAttributeValues : {':isActive' : true}    };        dynamoDBClient.scan(params, function(err, data){            if(err){                return console.error(err);            }            console.log(data.Items);        });

I hope help you.
