Error installing EventMachine gem on OSX Yosemite Error installing EventMachine gem on OSX Yosemite ruby ruby

Error installing EventMachine gem on OSX Yosemite

EventMachine 1.0.3 didn’t work with Ruby 2.2. This was fixed in EventMachine 1.0.4. You can most likely fix your situation by upgrading EventMachine with

bundle update eventmachine

For El Captain, this worked for me:

$ bundle update eventmachine # updated to v1.0.8$ bundle config build.eventmachine --with-cppflags=-I/usr/local/opt/openssl/include$ bundle install

if you have brew install, try

brew install openssl

and if it still says,

Warning: openssl-1.0.2e already installed

then run this command ,

brew link openssl --force

it will do the trick. :)