Error: SASS installation for windows Error: SASS installation for windows ruby ruby

Error: SASS installation for windows

The error has something to do with being vulnerable to the Poodle SSL bug, it will not be verified for that reason. If there's a way to upgrade to a better certificate, but at the time of writing this answer, I could not find the upgraded certificate.

I used the non-SSL host instead, altough I should note that this is not the best nor a permanent solution, it lacks security.

The command used:

gem source -a

A discussion about this subject can be found here:

Update: There seems to be a permanent solution now, which replaces the certificate with a proper protected one. It can be found on the following URL, an tutorial is included in that page.

Short answer:

gem sources -a

Confirm than you don't really care about that specific warning, since you trust Then:

gem install sass

And it works.

thanks for your suggestions, as you guys said this seems to be SSH update issue.

have solved this issue simply down graded my RUBY version from "2.1.5" to "1.8", and the gem version is "1.8.29".

then i was able to install SASS