Error while installing Ruby 1.9.3 Error while installing Ruby 1.9.3 ruby ruby

Error while installing Ruby 1.9.3

I had to upgrade RVM.

rvm get headrvm reloadrvm install 1.9.3-p194rvm use 1.9.3

If 1.9.3-p194 isn't the latest version (as of 06/07/2012), go to Ruby site to find out what is.

I don't understand why after using gem update --system to update to RubyGems 1.8.11, the same installer error hits me and it still looks in $RVM_HOME/src/rubygems-1.6.2/

UPDATE 1: I hadn't tried rvm get latest for some time. So I tried that to alleviate my problems. This is giving me a Permission denied because it is trying to run a script under /tmp. In my /etc/fstab, /tmp is mounted as noexec. When I get this resolved, I'll see if installing Ruby 1.9.3 works any better.

UPDATE 2: Issuing mount -o remount,exec /tmp let me finally do the Ruby 1.9.3 install.