Escape double and single backslashes in a string in Ruby Escape double and single backslashes in a string in Ruby ruby ruby

Escape double and single backslashes in a string in Ruby

Just double-up every backslash, like so:

"\\\\servername\\some windows share\\folder 1\\folder2\\"

Try this

puts '\\\\servername\some windows share\folder 1\folder2\\'#=> \\servername\some windows share\folder 1\folder2\

So long as you're using single quotes to define your string(e.g., 'foo'), a single \ does not need to be escaped. except in the following two cases

  1. \\ works itself out to a single \. So, \\\\ will give you the starting \\ you need.
  2. The trailing \ at the end of your path will tries to escape the closing quote so you need a \\ there as well.


You could define an elegant helper for yourself. Instead of using the clunky \ path separators, you could use / in conjunction with a method like this:

def windows_path(foo)  foo.gsub('/', '\\')endputs windows_path '//servername/some windows share/folder 1/folder2/'#=> \\servername\some windows share\folder 1\folder2\
