Get index of string scan results in ruby Get index of string scan results in ruby ruby ruby

Get index of string scan results in ruby

Try this:

res = []"abab".scan(/a/) do |c|  res << [c, $~.offset(0)[0]]endres.inspect # => [["a", 0], ["a", 2]]

There's a gotcha to look out for here, depending on the behaviour you expect.

If you search for /dad/ in "dadad" you'd only get [["dad",0]] because scan advances to the end of each match when it finds one (which is wrong to me).

I came up with this alternative:

def scan_str(str, pattern)  res = []  (0..str.length).each do |i|    res << [Regexp.last_match.to_s, i] if str[i..-1] =~ /^#{pattern}/  end  resend

If you wanted you could also do a similar thing with StringScanner from the standard library, it might be faster for long strings.

Very similar to what @jim has said and works a bit better for longer strings:

def matches str, pattern    arr = []    while (str && (m = str.match pattern))              offset = m.offset(0).first         arr << offset + (arr[-1] ? arr[-1] + 1 : 0)        str = str[(offset + 1)..-1]    end    arrend