How can I delete specific jobs from Resque queue without clearing the whole queue? How can I delete specific jobs from Resque queue without clearing the whole queue? ruby ruby

How can I delete specific jobs from Resque queue without clearing the whole queue?

To remove a specific job from queue you can use the destroy method. It's very easy to use,For example if you want to remove a job with class Post and id x, which is in queue named queue1You can do like this..

Resque::Job.destroy(queue1, Post, 'x')

If you want to remove all the jobs of particular type from a queue you can use

Resque::Job.destroy(QueueName, ClassName) 

You can find it's documentation at

In resque's sources (Job class) there's such method, guess it's what you need :)

# Removes a job from a queue. Expects a string queue name, a# string class name, and, optionally, args.## Returns the number of jobs destroyed.## If no args are provided, it will remove all jobs of the class# provided.## That is, for these two jobs:## { 'class' => 'UpdateGraph', 'args' => ['defunkt'] }# { 'class' => 'UpdateGraph', 'args' => ['mojombo'] }## The following call will remove both:##   Resque::Job.destroy(queue, 'UpdateGraph')## Whereas specifying args will only remove the 2nd job:##   Resque::Job.destroy(queue, 'UpdateGraph', 'mojombo')## This method can be potentially very slow and memory intensive,# depending on the size of your queue, as it loads all jobs into# a Ruby array before processing.def self.destroy(queue, klass, *args)

The above solutions work great if you know all of the arguments passed to the job. If you have a situation where you know some of the arguments passed to the job the following script will work:

queue_name = 'a_queue'jobs = Resque.data_store.peek_in_queue(queue_name, 0, 500_000);deleted_count = 0jobs.each do |job|  decoded_job = Resque.decode(job)  if decoded_job['class'] == 'CoolJob' && decoded_job['args'].include?('a_job_argument')    Resque.data_store.remove_from_queue(queue_name, job)    deleted_count += 1    puts "Deleted!"  endendputs deleted_count