How can I read from Redis inside a MULTI block in Ruby? How can I read from Redis inside a MULTI block in Ruby? ruby ruby

How can I read from Redis inside a MULTI block in Ruby?

You cannot, since all commands (including get) are actually executed at exec time. In this situation, the get command only returns a future object, not the actual value.

There are two ways to implement such transaction.

Using a WATCH clause

The watch clause is used to protect against concurrent updates. If the value of the variable is updated between the watch and multi clause, then the commands in the multi block are not applied. It is up to the client to attempt the transaction another time.

loop do    $ "foo"     val = $redis.get("foo")    if val == "bar" then        res = $redis.multi do |r|            r.set("foo", "baz")         end        break if res    else        $redis.unwatch "foo"        break    endend

Here the script is a bit complex because the content of the block can be empty, so there is no easy way to know whether the transaction has been cancelled, or whether it did not take place at all. It is generally easier when the multi block returns results in all cases except if the transaction is cancelled.

Using Lua server-side scripting

With Redis 2.6 or better, Lua scripts can be executed on the server. The execution of the whole script is atomic. It can be easily implemented in Ruby:

cmd = <<EOF    if'get',KEYS[1]) == ARGV[1] then'set',KEYS[1],ARGV[2] )    endEOF$redis.eval cmd, 1, "foo", "bar", "baz"

This is typically much simpler than using WATCH clauses.

As Sergio states in his comment, you can't optionally execute a MULTI block like that in Redis. See the documentation on transactions:

Either all of the commands or none are processed.

You can, however, use WATCH to implement optimistic locking using check-and-set (pseudo code):

SET foo barWATCH foo$foo = GET fooMULTIif $foo == 'bar'  SET foo bazEXECGET foo

Using WATCH, the transaction will only be executed if the watched key(s) has not been changed. If the watch key is changed, the EXEC will fail, and you can try again.

Another possibility is using the scripting functionality, but that's only available in the 2.6 release candidate.