How do I create a Ruby date object from a string? How do I create a Ruby date object from a string? ruby ruby

How do I create a Ruby date object from a string?


Alternatively Date#strptime(str, format).

Because in the USA they get the dates backwards, it's important not to simply use Date.parse() because you'll find 9/11/2001 can be 11 September 2001 in the USA and 9 November 2001 in the rest of the world. To be completely unambiguous use Date::strptime(your_date_string,"%d-%m-%Y") to correctly parse a date string of format dd-mm-yyyy.

Try this to be sure:

>irb>> require 'date'=> true>> testdate = '11-09-2001'=> "11-09-2001">> converted = Date::strptime(testdate, "%d-%m-%Y")=> #<Date: 4918207/2,0,2299161>>> converted.mday=> 11>> converted.month=> 9>> converted.year=> 2001

For other strptime formats see

Also I always make sure I set my base timezone to :utc if my website is going to be handling any dates, and use Javascript on the client side to display local times.

You can use Time#parse.

Time.parse("20-08-2010")# => Fri Aug 20 00:00:00 +0200 2010

However, because Ruby could parse the date as "MM-DD-YYYY", the best way is to go with DateTime#strptime where you can specify the input format.