How do I make Ruby 1.9 the default Ruby on Ubuntu? How do I make Ruby 1.9 the default Ruby on Ubuntu? ruby ruby

How do I make Ruby 1.9 the default Ruby on Ubuntu?

I'm not really sure, but maybe this can help:

update-alternatives --config ruby

... and here's the non-interactive, scriptable, way:

update-alternatives --set ruby /usr/bin/ruby1.9.1

You may find out about available alternatives and respective /usr/bin/... paths by doing:

update-alternatives --query ruby

Martin - Take a look at the following link:

This is where installation of ruby is heading for ubuntu servers. This should allow you to not only switch to a ruby version when needed, but also keep gems separated based on ruby versions, etc.

You can completely remove Ruby 1.8 too with:

sudo apt-get remove libruby1.8 ruby1.8 ruby1.8-dev rubygems1.8

After that, you will only have Ruby 1.9 installed.